Monday, December 02, 2013

Here we go again...

On a recent lunch date with KfW2, she once again mentioned online dating. Rather than completely rule it out, I said I'd revisit the idea after Xmas. There's no point in doing anything before Xmas - everyone is busy - the caveat being that you don't meet someone on a night out and click. But starting an online dating profile now? Nah. I'm busy enough as it is. I also said that if I did revisit the idea, then I expected her to be there if it goes wrong.

But we did cover some ground that we've never really discussed before - the fact that I might not meet as many people as I should because I don't have any "wingmen". Offhand, only really GM or FP can really fill that role. USHW has already expressed surprise that neither GM nor GB stepped up when I set eyes on CB.

These are subjects that I've covered with USHW before, but I think they need raised with KfW2 and anyone else who's interested in my relationship status - especially anyone who's liable to be out and about with me in a social context.

Come the new year, if KfW2 is serious about getting me into online dating, then I forsee a more frank discussion on the subjects of women and dating, but having conversations earlier than that can't do any harm. The problem is that I can't keep conversation on track, and what might begin as a chat on a specific subject, can often veer wildly onto completely different topics.

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