Sunday, December 29, 2013

The countdown to NYE starts here...

The second night with FP was a bigger success than the first. We settled in one of my favourite bars - my planned venue for NYE - and just chatted. As happens sometimes, things just clicked and through a combination of good fortune at our table position and general mood, we ended up chatting away to quite a few people over the course of the night.

I've had nights like this before, but usually with GM. It's the kind of night that I wish would happen more often, but doesn't.

Off the back of a reminder from USHW, I messaged GM last night about New Year's Eve plans, but I haven't heard anything back. Given that he didn't reply to my original email, I can only assume this is a bad sign... and slightly disappointing as he's usually more reliable at being in contact and I would have thought that my admission that I needed a good NYE for personal reasons/having a shit year would have implied that it was important to me.

I think that's the most disappointing thing - I don't ask people for very much in my opinion, but when I do, it seems that I've been let down this year. So far this year, DSC and GB... and now potentially GM too.

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