Saturday, December 21, 2013

Here we go...

It's later than usual, but my Christmas funk has finally arrived. It's the lack of social options between Christmas and New Year that's the biggest influence this year, I think... that's on top of my now annual "I don't like being single at Christmas" funk.

I made a bit of an effort to see what S is doing on New Year's Eve when we were in the pub last night, but while his plans are not set in stone right now and I could try and talk him into doing what I want, it's his mate who's a problem - uncompromising, selfish, argumentative and generally just a pain in the arse. S's other friends are all fine - nice people - but this one chap has the ability to ruin a night all on his own.

I'm going to have to see what happens... and I'm still trying to get GM on board as well.

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Giveth and taketh.

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