Thursday, December 12, 2013

Sigh. Yawn. Shiver.

I'm in a bit of a funk at the moment. Part of it is a comedown from the rather excellent works party last night (I even danced with a cute stranger and more shenanigans with CH), part of it is that I'm not feeling great - an illness rather than a hangover - and the final part is just my general funk that I get about this time of year. Plus I'm tired. I'm not sleeping well this week, but can't identify why.

I don't like the lead up to Xmas - it's too much stress and work for little reward in my opinion - and, of course, I have the being single at Xmas thing going on too.

As you may have guessed or read in previous posts, this hasn't been a good year for myself and one or two people close to me (for numerous reasons). I'm looking forward to sending the year on its way and welcoming in 2014, hopefully as fortunate and positive as 2013 started, albeit with better results. Until then, though, I am very tired, mentally. I kinda need something really positive to happen.

I meant to talk to GB about our New Year's Eve plans today, but she wasn't in the office. I don't want repeats of the past few years, so I'm hoping that my plan is readily accepted without having to force the issue or even tug at the heartstrings of GB and/or GM.

We'll see...

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Oh dear. (Mondays suck)

There's nothing worse than having to get up for work earlier than usual... except when it turns out to be pointless and you'll have ...