Thursday, November 28, 2013

You've got a friend.

Sometimes I think KfW2 has problems opening up to me - probably not as bad as I have with her (or anyone else), but more than I had thought. I've always considered myself a good listener, and I'm close enough to her that I can see when things aren't good for her, no matter how minor. We were talking on Monday, in general, and I suggested that she was not in good form. She agreed and said that she was feeling run down. I waited for her to expand, but after a few seconds she started giggling.

I looked at her.

"What? Did I miss something? I've missed something, haven't I?"

She shook her head.

"You're funny".

I prompted her for more information, but she never expanded. We finished our lunch and went back to our desks.

My instant messenger program popped up.

"You've done it again, you dweeb".

She was referring to a moment we'd had a few months ago where I'd missed signals that she had something to say. It led to another kind of heart to heart conversation where I reiterated that I'd not done it on purpose and that I wanted her to talk to me.

The first time I'm prepared to accept that I was in the "wrong", but not this time. I know why she's feeling run down. However, arguing with her about it wasn't going to help and at least she said something this time. I tried getting her to expand, but beyond repeating the "run down" quote, she kinda clammed up.

I broached the subject again today... she's been getting worse all this week. This time, she did open up and pretty much confirmed what I had suspected - that this is all stemming from her medical thing from a few months ago and the fact that things still aren't back to normal. It's getting her down and causing some stress and, in her opinion, seems neverending. Given the other things that have happened to us this year, I can fully understand why she's at the end of her tether. I offered to talk to her in more detail if we could find somewhere private, but she refused.

"I don't want to be sitting across the table from you, crying into my coffee", she said. So, we continued the conversation over instant messenger. I don't think saved her. As the conversation went on, I heard sniffles, but I never asked.

I took her out at lunchtime. I told her that if she wanted to talk, I'd be there, but if not, a relaxed lunch and some fresh air might help at least a little bit.

She didn't talk. I think she's told me all she wants to say, which is enough. To go any further would be to go into detail about the medical stuff, which is something I am extremely uncomfortable with. That's not to say I wouldn't listen, but KfW2 knows me very well.

I don't know how much our chat helped her today, I don't know how much any communication helps when you're feeling like this, but I hope it did.

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