Friday, December 27, 2013

Funktastic Xmas.

So, the official part of the holiday season has been and gone. I spent a few days at my sister's place, running around after nephews and nieces, eating, drinking and doing all the usual Christmas stuff and it was really rather enjoyable, if tiring.

However, I was slightly distracted for the three or four days that I was there. I can't pin it to anything specific bar a vague sense of loneliness, but I think it's probably a good bet that it was my funk and the upcoming New Year celebrations.

As I've posted about repeatedly here, Christmas is the time where I feel the singledom thing the most... given that I've been funked by it for most of the year, having a particularly bad holiday season isn't that surprising, especially when my attempts to mitigate it are so far proving to be less than successful.

To get back to the funk though, in my entire dating life, I've only ever been in a relationship over the holiday season with one person - FA2 - and even then, we weren't together during either of the two Christmases during our relationship as she chose to spend it with her family. To clarify, I'm not begrudging her going home for a day or so, but both years she was away for over a week. Not just home, which is about an hour's car journey... but Transatlantic to visit distant relatives. There was never any discussion about it either, just an announcement, but she knew I would have preferred her to stay over Xmas.

I've already told S what my NYE plans are and explained that I'm trying to talk GM into it as well. I'm still hoping that KfW2 will come out as well. Ideally, I'd love for her to confirm regardless, then anyone else who comes out is a bonus.

I'm out tonight with FP and I've another night out already lined up with M, E3, BR and a few others. I'm looking forward to it, but my focus is still on New Year's Eve rather than anything else.

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