Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Quelle surprise

I shouldn't be surprised really.

I was chatting to JB today about various things - some future goals, Christmas plans etc. when we got onto the subject of New Year's Eve. I was telling JB that I didn't want any risk this year and outlined my preferences which were essentially the same plans as last year, though hopefully with more people and that I was planning on contacting GB and GM.

She was quite positive - it's not a bad night out, even on New Year's Eve, but there was a reason that I was planning on sending an email to GM and GB this early and that was that neither of them are particularly reliable.

So, after chatting to JB, I wrote the email this afternoon, explaining what I wanted to do this year and why I wanted to do it. I don't think I was unreasonable... in fact, given the circumstances, it's the sort of thing any good friend would get on board with.

It took 3 minutes for GB to reply. "I'm having a quiet one this year and going round to my friend's house" is what she said.

"That bar is too far away from my house and really, the entire evening will be too much trouble for me" is what she actually meant.

I've yet to hear from GM, so the night can still be rescued, but I think that's the final nail in the coffin of my friendship with GB.

It might not have been a surprise, but it's left me pretty deflated.

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