Sunday, May 31, 2020

This is gonna hurt in the morning.

I spent all afternoon in the garden, working on a plan that my sister had come up with around how to pretty up the space. We did about three hours of fairly back-breaking physical labour and I'm already sore. In fact, as I've posted about previously is that my back isn't in great shape since the lockdown. I don't think my cheap office chair is really suited to 8+ hour stints.

What I'm not happy with is the ever-changing scope and the fact I need to phone more and more people. I've posted before about social anxiety, and that's in full force right now just thinking about the people I need to call at some point tomorrow.

So, having had a shower and something to eat, I'm going to sit on the sofa for a bit. I'm not going to head to S's, for two reasons. The first is that I am physically wrecked. The second is that he's admitted that his two close mates are already there, so with those two, his girlfriend, FC, Mrs FC and and GM, I think it's probably best from a pandemic standpoint that I keep my distance, despite my inquisitiveness about the girlfriend.

But I will crack open a beer.

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