Saturday, May 16, 2020


"I need help!" bleated Stalky Guy about 2 months ago.

Sigh. He's meant to be good at his job... able to work on his own... all that stuff you expect from someone who gets good scores from managers and seemingly can do no wrong and is classed as a senior team member. But he's not - he's very insecure and needs constant reassurance. I agreed to help him.

And that time for help was last night. Well, this morning. At 4 AM, to be exact. After two hours of sleep. Followed by a 5 hour phone call where, quite frankly, people who should know better were fucking useless and annoying me.

Then I went to bed for a power nap and woke two hours later to a missed test message from Stalky Guy because something had gone wrong. Presumably he couldn't solve it on his own. The problem was solved eventually, before I got online, but no-one's told me what the problem is/was.

In the past, this would have been a huge deal and fingers would have been pointed and heads would have rolled. These days, if you can resolve these problems quickly, then there's less of a witch hunt. Let's see what Monday morning brings.

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Giveth and taketh.

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