Monday, May 18, 2020

Status Update: Week 3

It's not been a good start to the week. Stepping onto the scales this morning and it registered 228.5 lb. That's an INCREASE in 4.5 lbs since this time last week.

While the exercise fell by the wayside a little (and yesterday was a write-off, diet wise), the calorie deficit was still in place.

I was expecting a slowdown in the amount of weight lost (averaging at 2.5 lbs per week since the start), though I was still expecting to be lighter than last week's check in.

This is, obviously, a concern as a gain of 4.5 lbs in one week is substantial. Calorie-wise that's an additional 16 thousand calories, or an additional 2 thousand per day (roughly speaking). Bearing in mind I was operating at a rough 600 calorie per day deficit, then I really have to wonder.


USHW said...

"yesterday was a write-off, diet wise" and it's quite possibly the reason you've seen an increase in the scale number.

You did the maths. If you're reasonably confident in your calorie counting then you know you cannot have put on weight.

If yesterday's eating was heavy in sugar/starch/salt (and let's face it, most junk food/comfort food/convenience food/alcohol is) then chances are you've got water retention, and the number on the scale is that water weight. It will go again, but can take a few days.

Always sounds counterproductive if you've water retention, but drink lots of water, and get back on track with your eating.

ruuude said...

Well, I say a "write off", but really all that meant was a (large) Chinese takeaway for dinner, which probably took my to me to my TDEE or slightly over.

I won't be back on the scales for another week, though.

USHW said...

A large Chinese could very easily cause a few pounds water retention.

For future ref, maybe don't have takeaway the day before your weigh in!

ruuude said...

But I deserved one :(


After Nerdy Girl and I had done out walk, we nipped into CB Pub for a drink. I was explaining to NG that I had a few gigs to attend over the...