Monday, May 04, 2020

Status Update: Week One.

My first proper weigh-in is now done and the magic number is 226.4 lbs. In isolation, the number is slightly disappointing bearing in mind that I lost 2 lbs between my impromptu weighing and my first Monday morning weigh-in, only a few days apart. The bigger picture is more encouraging - I've lost just over 4 lbs in ten days, primarily through calorie counting.

Once I add some exercise to the mix, I hope to be able to continue to lose weight at roughly 2 lbs per week.

I'll get back to walking at lunchtime this week. If I can fix the gears on my bike, I can get out for the odd cycle and I still have the yoga to get back into to aid general flexibility and open up some more strenuous exercise.

I'm still adapting to calorie counting though it's not been as difficult or as intrusive as I had assumed. It's looking good so far.

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