Saturday, May 09, 2020


I kinda fell off the calorie counting wagon yesterday. Well, I did count the calories, but I wasn't paying attention to them because of alcohol. At 200 calories per can (fuck you, alcohol), I ended up roughly 1000 calories over my target. As such, I had a poor night of sleep and a dream that involved K. It was a half memory, of a trip we did back in... I'm going to say early 2004. This was after I'd had sex with K and she'd gone really weird. In real life, she was still very much interested in me, and while I would have bedded her again, I still had no interest in pursuing anything romantic.

In the dream, we did end up having sex that particular weekend... lots of it.

As such, this morning, in combination with last night's drunkenness and this morning's craving for The Cure, I have been extremely frustrated. I also feel that I've just gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson. I have aches and pains everywhere.

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