I was running for the bus this morning - probably no more than fifty metres - and I nearly didn't make it. My Achilles tendons, in both legs, were extremely sore. It's a problem I've had before, years ago. I can't remember exactly when, but probably around 2012 sometime.
I can recall talking to KfW2 about my sexy physiotherapist (and she was), because that's what it took to get the problem sorted. Well, physiotherapy and plenty of stretching. If I recall correctly, it's not a tendon problem per se, but more a general tightness around my lower legs - calves, tendons etc. all of which present itself as pain when I try and run.
I don't have any issues walking or cycling, just running.
So I'm going to have to start doing a lot more stretching of my legs (well, I could do with stretching in general), and maybe then seeing about more physiotherapy if stretching alone isn't fixing the problem.
Maybe I could get MMBF to run her hands up and down my legs?
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