Sunday, February 23, 2020


This past week, my stomach problem has been ever-present. I've suffered from it since my late teens, but there's never been a diagnosis as to the root cause. I can see no real pattern - the usual suspects of coffee, spicy food and alcohol can cause it to flare but it's not a guarantee that they do.

That's an aside - it caused me to wake last night, around 3 AM. When I got back to sleep last night, I had a vivid dream. I met a girl. We hit it off. We were still in the early period where we'd only had a couple of dates (including one on Christmas Day, strangely) and not slept together, but it was looking good. I was comfortable with her, she clearly liked me and any interaction with friends and family was positive.

We were leading up to our third or fourth date, she had invited me to hers for a home-cooked meal... and then I woke up.

There have been times recently where dreams have shaken me or caused me to be in a confused mood all day, but not to this extent. It seemed so real - the feeling of chemistry with the girl in question, the excitement of starting something with someone new... all of it.

It's a feeling I don't remember having since... well.. probably since meeting Recruitment Bird. CB didn't invoke these feelings (probably since there was no actual meeting or anything to start) and Date No. 1 was over before it had a chance to go anywhere.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...