Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dream a little dream

I woke early this morning. Early enough to doze off for a bit, but not to actually get out of bed and late enough not to get back to sleep properly.

In this twilight doze, I found myself thinking about CAB for some reason. She hadn't been on my mind previously, nor had I been dreaming about her. But in the half hour between dozing off and actually getting out of bed, I reminisced about that period when I met CAB, but also when I travelled to Europe to visit AM, QC1 and another friend (who I might have posted about on here previously).

I had thought that I was over my crush on QC1 at that stage, and I had a fully developed crush on the other friend by this time, but arriving in town, when QC1 threw herself at me, platonically, old feelings started stirring.

AM was fully aware of my feeling towards both QC1 and the other friend, and she quizzed me during the course of my stay about them. She was super-surprised when I shared that I'd met CAB and shared that, although we'd only met a couple of times and had one official date, she was someone I liked and saw it lasting.

When I told QC1 about CAB, she wanted to know all the details.

It didn't last, as regular readers will know, but that was due to CAB leaving rather than any difficulties between us. We were no longer an item when AM, QC1 etc. returned from their year abroad.

However, it was a pleasant memory and I've had worse starts to the day.

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