Saturday, November 03, 2018

Oh dear.

So, the conversation with E's little sister is ongoing and with GM in mind, I try to start talking about meeting socially. Maybe she might want to meet some evening for a beer or a coffee, maybe? If We can sort that out, maybe then I can get her out at the weekend to meet GM...

But, no. She doesn't drink alcohol any more, nor does she take caffeine.

That's gonna make it kinda difficult to get her and GM in the same room.


Anonymous said...

Theres non-alcoholic beer and decaff coffee. Maybe her resistance isn't to the drink, but to the scenario. Might she think YOU are trying to chat her up??

ruuude said...

It's not that she was making excuses - she said she could do a chamomile tea, for example. And we've been drunk before. In fact, on one drunken night out, while we we sharing a cigarette outside a bar, she was telling me how much she needed fucked.

I won't lie, the idea did cross my mind, but ultimately she's E's little sis.


Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...