Friday, February 21, 2014

Useless twat.

MfW has recently started going out with a rather attractive brunette girl. I don't know the details, but that's pretty irrelevant at the moment. Today, she went for a job interview. It was 300 miles away (or 5 hours of driving). That pretty much was get up early, drive to the interview, do the interview and drive home.

Strangely, she had invited MfW to hers for a cooked meal, but she was never getting back until about 9PM and would be, in all likelihood, knackered and not in the mood to start cooking.

MfW, though, sat in front of the telly and complained about how late it was (this was after 8PM) but he never once sent any texts to see where she was or when she would get back into the city. Eventually, he got pissed off and stuck a pie into the oven for his dinner. less than 5 minutes after that, he got a text from his girlfriend which prompted another round of complaining.

Maybe there's a touch of jealousy going on here or maybe it's just that I do think of others more than MfW does, but surely what he should have done was turn up at hers with some takeaway food and a bottle of wine?

Even the useless, younger me could have figured that out.

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