Saturday, February 08, 2014

And here we go again.

KfW2 and I sat, had cups of tea and far too many chocolate biscuits and just chatted. We chat most days, but the ones we have outside of work, away from people who might overhear us and know who or what we're talking about, are more substantial and rewarding.

This was no different. I managed to explain that I didn't think that online dating was having the effect that she had planned. I can talk to people over the internet as I have already explained here... it's the face to face contact with people I'm interested in  that's the problem.

I think she's coming to realise that now that I've been doing this for about four weeks and have messaged about fifteen people. That's approximately one every two days and includes CB.

There's not been any talk about changing plans and anyway, I'm paid up on until the end of March (though realistically, I'll have exhausted all my options by the end of this month).

In addition, something happened that made me question the whole online dating thing again. I'm useless at writing messages, so if I see an interesting profile or cute picture, I save them off to Favourites to come back to later. I assume people do something similar.

So when I messaged a cute girl on Plenty of Fish and notice that she'd added me as a favourite, I assumed that she might actually be the first girl out of fifteen to reply to my messages... until I logged in this morning and her profile is gone.

That just says pretty much everything I feel about online dating and its inherent uselessness. I know plenty of people meet online, but plenty of people meet in work, in a bar, in the gym... The only two outstanding people I've seen online are CB on Match and a cute girl from out of town who's my age on Plenty of Fish. Cute girl from out of town has not replied to my message in three weeks (and is therefore unlikely to now) and CB hasn't logged on in over three months, so I'm not holding out much hope.

I did show CB's profile to KfW2, who admitted that she was really pretty and she liked her profile (I'd also showed her a selection of the usual ones).

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...