Friday, February 28, 2014

Good riddance and welcome.

NSU has moved out of the house. She first announced it about five weeks ago and then promptly disappeared. This week has been stressful as we were told that there was a replacement that MfW and I only met for less than five minutes. The decision had been taken out of our hands - NSU had made the decision by herself without consulting us. The landlord knew, but didn't seem to care. The letting agent was just typical of estate agents in general - useless, lacking in courtesy and uncommunicative.

Through no fault of our own, MfW and I could have been really screwed, but we managed to get a proper chance to talk to the new guy before he moved in (though we still couldn't have stopped anything) and he seems to be a decent sort.

So, good riddance NSU and welcome to FNG.

Only time will tell though.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Deep breath, big sigh.

As a result of the funk from this time last week, I really could have done with getting out at the weekend. I sent a few texts, trying to get various friends out for a drink, but there were no takers sadly.

That kicked off another type of funk... something that runs much deeper though that doesn't raise its head often, but when it does, it's a real downer. It's a feeling of loneliness. So, the discovery/funk of last week, coupled with the current online dating lack of action (including the lack of response from CB and the other really interesting/cute girl), the recent general "uselessness" of people who are/were supposedly my friends (e.g. GB, MFF, DSC getting "dumped" by me and QC2's lack of contact) as well as the inability to get someone out for a drink and a chat at the last minute all rolled up into one big package give me a bloody good kicking, mentally speaking.

I think I've gotten through most of it, with a little help from USHW who was on hand to talk me through it, though a little still lingers and probably will for a little while.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


This week hasn't been the best week I've had in a while... the discovery on Monday night created a funk that I haven't yet shifted and has, to a certain extent, been exacerbated by the current online dating status and lack of any response from the messages I've sent out.

When I fired up Skype last night, completely out of the blue, I was pleased to see E was trying to contact me. When I tried to connect to the conversation, my internet connection died. I managed to get a message to her to tell her what had happened and that I would try and get in touch again ASAP.

Checking on the Virgin Media website, the fault has been reported, but they're not expecting a fix until around 5PM tonight.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Useless twat.

MfW has recently started going out with a rather attractive brunette girl. I don't know the details, but that's pretty irrelevant at the moment. Today, she went for a job interview. It was 300 miles away (or 5 hours of driving). That pretty much was get up early, drive to the interview, do the interview and drive home.

Strangely, she had invited MfW to hers for a cooked meal, but she was never getting back until about 9PM and would be, in all likelihood, knackered and not in the mood to start cooking.

MfW, though, sat in front of the telly and complained about how late it was (this was after 8PM) but he never once sent any texts to see where she was or when she would get back into the city. Eventually, he got pissed off and stuck a pie into the oven for his dinner. less than 5 minutes after that, he got a text from his girlfriend which prompted another round of complaining.

Maybe there's a touch of jealousy going on here or maybe it's just that I do think of others more than MfW does, but surely what he should have done was turn up at hers with some takeaway food and a bottle of wine?

Even the useless, younger me could have figured that out.

You know what?

Fuck it. I think I'm going to get drunk tonight.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Oh dear (cont'd again).

It was another broken night of sleep, despite my exhaustion yesterday. I got to sleep pretty quickly again, but woke up a few times during the night. I also remember one of my dreams - KfW2 got married to FA2's husband in New Zealand and she stayed to live there. I was sad that I had to return home on my own and annoyed that KfW2 chose to marry that person.

I woke up at 7AM in foul form, probably because of the dream, possibly because of the funk. There's no doubt some explanation for the dream, but why those people or the places mentioned, I have no idea. FP is currently in New Zealand, so that might explain part of it. I've no idea why I would be dreaming of KfW2 getting married to FA2's husband though. It's safe to say that he's not in my list of favourite people.

As mentioned, I'm still in the funk from the other night, but it is lifting slowly but surely. I still want to go out at the weekend for a fun night but I'm not getting many takers at the moment.

As expected...

The usual group of us have a big night out planned for a few weeks. As is the norm, I sent out the email today with suggested venue, meeting time and all the normal pertinent information.

It only took a few minutes before GB replied in the negative. I knew it would happen and had predicted as much to KfW2 a few days ago when we were talking about the details initially. KfW2 chased GB up for an explanation and what she got back was, to put it bluntly, a load of bullshit. The real reason is because it's too far away/too much trouble to get to. Bear in mind that she had no issues going to the exact same pub when she lived less than five minutes walk from it, but now it's a bus or taxi journey, it's "not good enough".

Still, it's not me who's going to be losing out - she's the one ostracising herself and quite frankly, I don't give a damn any more. In fact, I pretty much told KfW2 earlier that GB is effectively off my radar for being lazy/selfish and useless as a friend over the past fifteen months.

I know that CH has had similar thoughts about GB and social outings.

I don't think KfW2 sees that as being a big deal. "You're not really that close anyway, are you? You're friends, but are you close?" was what she asked.

She's right to an extent, but I still think it's a big deal when you stop looking at a friend as a friend.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Just managed a glimpse of this young lady on the TV. Very nice. She's Ellie Taylor, by the way.

Oh dear (cont'd).

The funk that began on Monday night continues. While I've had a lengthy discussion with USHW, which really did help initially, things haven't changed that much - I'm still angry at those I was angry with on Monday night and in a funk. I'm also now really, really tired. I haven't slept well since - both nights I've fallen to sleep quite easily but have woken at least half a dozen times each night. I don't know if the sleeplessness is related to the revelation or if it's simply my cycle of insomnia arriving for its usual cycle.

I've tried delving into online dating again after being disillusioned, to see if that would help with the funk, but I simply can't summon ANY motivation, even with KfW2's gentle questioning about it all. It doesn't help that I've already messaged the two girls I've had the biggest reaction to... no-one else is provoking any reaction at all.

To quote something I said to USHW the other night when we were talking: "I'm not expecting or looking for the "wow" factor - just something that invokes a little stirring of something. There are plenty of cute women but there's nothing to back it up - not even a flicker of lust."

I'm probably going to be funked until the weekend. Hopefully I can talk someone into going out and a good night out will end that. Trouble is... and this is semi-related to the funk... it's getting harder and harder to get people out these days.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Oh dear.

Without going into the actual details, I've just discovered something that has left me feeling hugely deflated, angry at myself, angry at others (in particular GB) and well, I dunno, generally questioning things in general. The last time I remember feeling this deflated was when I was told that my cousin had started dating a girl I was attracted to at school (even though I probably had no intention of ever asking her out).

As a result, as stated above, I'm questioning various aspects of my life, which is not a state of mind I particularly like being in, especially after the optimism and positivity I had coming into the new year regarding all manner of things.


The online dating thing is wearing me out. Unlike last time, my confidence hasn't taken a battering or anything, though I will admit to feeling slightly deflated. After four or five weeks of membership of two sites and about seventeen messages sent with no reply I simply have no motivation any more.

KfW2 tried to lighten my mood by telling me that her friend, when she did online dating, sent only four messages, but received around a hundred. But that didn't really help... it just proved to me that online dating is very much for women.

Even with two months still to go on my subscription, I'm considering just knocking it all on the head. There's simply no-one who's excited me beyond CB and that other girl whom I messaged initially, and neither of them are likely to reply any time soon.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Grrr... Part 2.

It was CB's birthday on Friday. I know this because her age went up between Thursday and Friday on her profile.

As luck would have it, I was due to be in bars over the weekend in the city that I know she frequents (according to the little information I got from GB last year and the aforementioned profile).

So, if she was out and about over the weekend, my chances of being in the same room as her had risen dramatically and I was feeling pretty good about myself (that usually means better moods, more confidence etc.)

With meeting up with GM (a great wingman) and S (who has his moments), it was shaping up to be pretty positive. I even had a gut feeling that I would bump into her.

So, almost predictably, it all went south quite early. S and I were in the right place on Friday night, but it was mainly blokes out.

GM decided not to go to any of his usual haunts, and while we started off in a decent bar where there were plenty of cute girls, GM then went to a horrible bar where the music is too loud to have proper conversations. I think he made that choice because his new girlfriend had friends there, rather than making his own choice.

It ended up being a decent night out - GM's new girlfriend is really nice and his friends are good company (and usually attractive, but attached females), but there was still an element of disappointment that we didn't hit any of the bars I initially assumed we would.

Grrrr... Part 1.

It's been far too long since I was out with GM, so when he sent a late invite to a birthday bash this weekend, I was quick to accept. I had made arrangements with S - we had a few drinks on Friday night and planned what we were going to do on Saturday.

Just before he (S) arrived, he broke some bad news - he was bringing out his whining, self-obsessed friend. I was saying to KfW2 at the end of last week that I couldn't make up my mind if it was a strength or a weakness in character that S is so loyal to his friends. I'm sure I've posted before how his small group of friends is the centre of his life and he won't break his routine with them if something else comes up.

For example, I only managed to get him out on Friday because his usual Friday night thing got bumped due to Valentine's Day.

Right from the start, S's friend annoyed me. He has strong opinions on everything but is usually factually incorrect. When things go wrong, it's always someone else's fault, never his. We decided to walk to the bar to meet GM. Cue moaning from S's friend. If things don't go exactly the way he wants, there's just a constant stream of whining and bitching.

Thankfully, when we got to the final bar, he disappeared to see some other supposed friends and we didn't see him for the rest of the night. I think S has finally realised that I really don't like this person as I think I really went over the top in my criticism of him throughout the night.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

General musings.

Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day. I've never really celebrated it, mainly because if I've been dating at the time, the women involved haven't made a big deal of it. I can't recall too many women I've been dating on 14th February, though. 

Plus, if I am blowing my own trumpet a little, I didn't need to make some token gesture on February 14th as I was always quite good in general at making random, surprise gestures of my affection.

The only anonymous card I ever received wasn't legitimate, instead being a bit of a prank from AM and QC1 (back in the days when I had real feelings for QC1). I didn't find out for months though until AM let it slip one night when we were out in the pub.

I always wanted to get a proper, anonymous card from a cute girl who would eventually reveal herself to me but it never really panned out. Maybe because it's not seen as something women do?

That kinda leads me on to online dating. There hasn't been much movement, to be honest. I'm still sitting on about sixteen messages sent with no reply. I've had a few emails from women, but no one who's really piquing my interest. KfW2 hasn't really mentioned it either recently, so the motivation has really just ebbed away.

The frustration with online dating continues, not just because of the mechanics of the whole thing with the various restrictions on the sites, but also because of the mentality of women. Even on a dating site, women rarely seem to take any initiative, so the number of women willing to make the first move is incredibly small.

I'm due to go out with S tomorrow night where we'll hopefully head to a local bar that I want to spend more time in, just for a chat and a few drinks. Nothing particularly rowdy because we're meant to be heading out on Saturday night with GM amongst others. I'm looking forward to the weekend, but I sense a bit of a funk on the horizon as well.

The bloody cheek!

GB accosted me as we were leaving work.

"Isn't it about time that you arranged our next night out?" she asked. "Me and MF think you should."

I had been giving it some thought - a friend of KfW2's had already suggested something  that we found agreeable (specifically a pub that I've been trying to get to more), but seeing as the night out in question isn't until the middle of next month, I didn't see any point in sending out any emails. Thinking about it though, maybe this day next week would be a good time.

We talked about other things - other upcoming nights out (which GB will not be attending, specifically GM's birthday) but we both needed to get home, so we went our separate ways.

I wasn't going to email GB and MF about the proposed night out given that they always try and derail things but being inflexible, but I guess I'm kinda going to have to now.

Sunday, February 09, 2014


D and I sat in the corner at FBS's birthday party. It was a quiet-ish affair, about forty people in total and our attention was drawn to a brunette girl in a short skirt and stockings. It was hard to say if she was with someone that night, but she seemed to go to a tall, thin man every now and again, but I couldn't say that they were together.

Suffice to say, the stockings and short skirt combo really had our attention. She had a nice ass too by the looks of it. For the entire time that I was a the party, she was quite the social butterfly, chatting to people and generally having a good time. I was having a perv at FBS who was wearing a nice pair of skin-tight trousers that showed off a great ass that I don't recall her having before, but then I was always more occupied with her tits.

Sometimes, the brunette would come over for a chat with us as well. D was convinced that he had a shot, but I didn't see it myself. It might have been the booze, it might have been the drugs, but she simply didn't seem that interested in anyone.

At the end of the night, D and this girl, amongst others, went back to FBS's house to continue the party. I trundled home, alone.

Through the night, I had several text messages from D giving me a running commentary on the night that seemed to involve tales being told of this girl, drugs, sex and anal fisting. Maybe I should have gone back!

I realised that I miss nights out with D and FBS and the others.

Saturday, February 08, 2014

And here we go again.

KfW2 and I sat, had cups of tea and far too many chocolate biscuits and just chatted. We chat most days, but the ones we have outside of work, away from people who might overhear us and know who or what we're talking about, are more substantial and rewarding.

This was no different. I managed to explain that I didn't think that online dating was having the effect that she had planned. I can talk to people over the internet as I have already explained here... it's the face to face contact with people I'm interested in  that's the problem.

I think she's coming to realise that now that I've been doing this for about four weeks and have messaged about fifteen people. That's approximately one every two days and includes CB.

There's not been any talk about changing plans and anyway, I'm paid up on until the end of March (though realistically, I'll have exhausted all my options by the end of this month).

In addition, something happened that made me question the whole online dating thing again. I'm useless at writing messages, so if I see an interesting profile or cute picture, I save them off to Favourites to come back to later. I assume people do something similar.

So when I messaged a cute girl on Plenty of Fish and notice that she'd added me as a favourite, I assumed that she might actually be the first girl out of fifteen to reply to my messages... until I logged in this morning and her profile is gone.

That just says pretty much everything I feel about online dating and its inherent uselessness. I know plenty of people meet online, but plenty of people meet in work, in a bar, in the gym... The only two outstanding people I've seen online are CB on Match and a cute girl from out of town who's my age on Plenty of Fish. Cute girl from out of town has not replied to my message in three weeks (and is therefore unlikely to now) and CB hasn't logged on in over three months, so I'm not holding out much hope.

I did show CB's profile to KfW2, who admitted that she was really pretty and she liked her profile (I'd also showed her a selection of the usual ones).

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Oh my poor liver.

This week will be another busy one, just like last weekend.

Last weekend saw me out with D, CH and a few work people amongst others over three different nights. I think I'm still paying the price for that, to be honest.

This weekend won't be as bad as that, but will feature a lot of the same people. For starters, KfW2 is calling round on Friday night for a few hours before she has to ferry some family members about. No doubt that'll involve chatting, cups of tea and general chilling and more than likely, a more in-depth update of the online dating situation.

Saturday is more frantic with TWO (count 'em) birthdays to attend - the first main one is FBS's, so I expect to see D and the others from my crowd there. I've also been invited to another one, a guy from work. I don't think a lot of the people he hangs around with in work, but this year, one of my goals is to get better at meeting new people, so I will trundle along for an hour or so.

I'm looking forward to both nights, obviously for different reasons.

Monday, February 03, 2014


NSU recently mentioned to MfW and myself that she was looking to leave the apartment.

"It's just not working out", she said.

The timing was bad - MfW and I were watching a football match on the telly, so we weren't paying that much attention to her.

She said more things, but I wasn't paying that much attention.

The next day, we tried to piece it all together. MfW sent her a message. She's never asked for my mobile number and doesn't really talk to me. I don't think she actually likes me that much seeing as I have not bowed to her will since she moved in and tried to rearrange the entire house to her way of thinking.

The answer came back. The communal bathroom was stinking. Now, I have my own issues with the cleanliness of the place in general, but that's got to do with how little other people do. That includes NSU. A woman whose supposed cleanliness obsession was only surpassed with how little she does to ensure it.

Since she initially moved in and re-arranged everything in the place on the first weekend, NSU has distanced herself from us personally. In fact, that started before she moved in with her first obsession of providing her own broadband despite us owning very speedy fibre-optic. She's refused to pay her full share of the bills because she's always away on business (she never admitted to this upfront) and is generally just giving off the vibe of a spoiled brat - someone very used to getting their way.

Imagine my surprise when I came out of my room this evening to make something to eat when I bumped into a stranger. Well, three of them. A man and two women. And NSU. She had arranged a viewing and not told either of us. I don't even think MfW was in the house at the time.

While I have bitched and moaned about her, NSU seems like a nice enough girl, but something hasn't been right about the whole thing since she moved in and we had our first conversations. Her stories from one day to the next simply don't add up. The stories themselves don't contradict each other, just their main topic. A story told a month ago about most of her friends being male gets contradicted when she tells us she'd rather live with women. I've already explained above about her cleanliness obsession but lack of willingness to lift a finger. There's nothing major, just little things. A lot of little things.

So, this online dating thing.

Something that happened over the weekend kinda reinforces my opinion on online dating. While helping my sister with a few things, I got talking to an attractive brunette. We swapped business cards and throughout the day, managed to have a very brief conversation.

All day, though, I had this niggling feeling that I knew her from somewhere and I said as much to my sister. She had said that she thought the brunette girl reminded her of KfW2 in personality. Looks-wise, I get a SSCW/CAB vibe from her.

Regardless, this is slight side-tracking. Ultimately, I was a little attracted to her. She was easy to talk to, easy on the eye, physically my type, but the thing to focus on was the physical attraction. It's been a while since there was a stirring.

Had I saw her on an online dating site, then I probably would have dismissed her for being too young (I reckon she's at the very low end of the age range I specify on online dating sites, but that's an assumption) and for living over 30 miles away. Talking to her, though, was a completely different matter.

That's the issue I have with online dating sites - there's too much focus on box ticking rather than meeting people. Who knows who we're not meeting because we concentrate on predetermined checklists?

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Chatty man.

Before CH left the bar to meet up with, amongst others, MFF we were having a really good chat along with a friend of hers. We covered a lot of things including tattoos, confidence issues and general dating. It was actually CH's friend who asked if there were any females in my life.

We got onto the subject of online dating and I had said that I had a few accounts on a couple of sites, but I wasn't really making any proper effort. I've still only sent messages to seven women and had no replies. I had the opportunity to say to CH that I had messaged CB who was MFF's friend, but changed my mind at the last minute.

CH's friend then admitted that in the early days of our friendship, they had been teasing CH and telling her that I had non-platonic intentions. Little did/do they know that it was probably the other way around at that time. CH then made a surprising comment about me being disgusted with her behaviour if she tried it on with me. I mumbled some kind of agreement, but I wouldn't really. I posted before about what would happen if a married woman that I found attractive came on to me.

I was disappointed when CH and her friend left. I enjoy it when the conversation's got momentum, as it did last night, and it was easy to open up to both of them when needed. CH later sent a text saying something similar, so I'll start the ball rolling next week about getting a proper night out arranged - aim to keep the numbers low so that the conversation doesn't get fractured.

Giveth and taketh.

While this weekend with KfW2 is a washout, another socialising opportunity has arisen:  a work thing, potentially with Quiet Girl, Stalky Gu...