Monday, July 08, 2013

Forever alone

I wasn't going to post anything until I'd gathered all my thoughts from last week (which is a fair old task, let me tell you), but I was chatting with SSCW today and she was berating me about being single. It's her usual mantra - I think she believes everyone in the world should be coupled up.

I explained that I can go for months without even thinking about it or that there are times when it does bother me, but she didn't seem to believe me and demanded that I join I didn't tell her that I'd already tried it and found that online dating isn't for me (in fact, bar you, dear readers, USHW and DSC, no-one knows I gave it a couple of chances).

However, given what has transpired over the past week or so plus a couple of unofficial kind of anniversaries and the whole GB/CB thing which has resurfaced (again, to be explained in a later post), I find myself sitting here contemplating it again, even though I know that it will really dent my confidence.

I've tentatively arranged a night out with FP in a few days, which should be good. The last time I did a midweek thing with FP around this time of year, I met RB at the bar (and that's five years ago!) I'd take a repeat of that right now, mind you.

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