Sunday, July 21, 2013

Cheers! Cheers?

I had an impromptu night out with S on Friday, arranged over a few pints with KfW2 and S, to remember our friend. I say "night out" but really, it was just sitting in S's back garden, chilling and having a few drinks. We did arrange to go out properly last night though.

I mentioned this to MfW and he was keen enough to come out with us. Somewhat inevitably, when I contacted S to confirm details, he'd changed his mind. I text MfW to let him know and he'd already gone to the pub with UF. I said that I'd try and catch up with them later.

A couple of hours later, I got a text from MfW telling me they were moving on to another pub, one that I don't like as it's full of pretentious wankers and the bar staff are appalling. I replied, telling him that I didn't fancy that pub and would give it a miss.

S then got in contact saying that he'd changed his mind yet again and that they were heading out.I arranged to meet up with them at one of my favourite bars. When I arrived, who else should be there but MfW and UF? MfW was annoyed that I'd come out for some reason, but he seemed to get into a better mood quite quickly.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that I was angry that MfW and UF had gone out with even inviting me - it's unlikely that I would have gone with them initially - but it has happened a few times before. UF is due to move on soon and I'm hoping that his replacement will be a better housemate and perhaps friend.

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Giveth and taketh.

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