Tuesday, July 23, 2013

An unexpected blast from the past.

Years ago, for reasons I can't actually remember, F and I were having a conversation, probably about my uselessness with the female of the species. I seem to recall that I'd spoken about E's explanation and subsequent demonstration of her body language reading skills and how impressed I was.

F offered an opinion that was semi-related to this about hugs. If a girl comes in with a hug with her arms high i.e. around a bloke's neck, then that was favourable. Lower arms were unfavourable. I seem to remember disagreeing with her on this one - at the time I could never remember ever having a girl hug me with "low" arms.

Having just left KfW2, where she's on her way to the pub, the conversation with F came to mind, quite unexpectedly. KfW2 = high arms. I still can't remember ever going into a hug with a girl with "low arms".

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