Saturday, July 27, 2013

Food for thought.

While we were out on Friday night, GM said something in conversation - as I was more than a little tipsy at this stage, I can't remember the details but somewhere in the middle of the CB conversation, GM said that he sees me getting with a girl like CH or KfW2 off the back of how he sees me interact with them.

That's not really that surprising  - KfW2 and I are very close and I am comfortable in her company. But CH and KfW2 are different, personality-wise. CH and I have a different dynamic with a bit of a sexual spark going on there and I guess ideally, a combination of both of those relationships would be ideal.

It kinda made me think as well about the question that CH asked on Friday about what I want in a girl. Physically, it's pretty easy to identify what my ideal woman would be - KfW2 or Catherine Bell or Jessica Alba or Jennifer Connelly - I'm a huge fan of brunettes. I don't think I've ever sat down and given proper thought to the non-physical attributes though.

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