Sunday, July 07, 2013

A quick digest/roundup.

There's a lot I need to get off my chest regarding the past week, but I don't think it can be done in a short post (or even one long one), but there are some things that I can jot down in point form that I may expand upon later:

CC continued her lazy streak and possibly went above and beyond. Claiming a sun lounger on the first day, she pretty much didn't move for the entire week, and even had the cheek to ask other people to do little errands for her instead of making the 10 minute walk to the shop herself.

I can't lie in the sun for any more than an hour or so without getting very bored and needing to go somewhere.

I have an amazing ability to underestimate (note, not undervalue) my friendships.

I think that my funk, that's been pretty constant for the past few months, goes a lot deeper than I originally thought.

KfW2 looked stunning in a plain black bikini.

Based on a few photos I've seen from my holiday, I need to stop mucking around and get myself in shape.

The new Man of Steel soundtrack by Hans Zimmer is amazing.

KfW2 is a much better friend than GB.

More than ever, I would love to meet someone. I tend to feel this way around weddings that I have to attend, so this is no surprise given my friendship with KfW2.

I'm sure I've missed a few bits and pieces, but no doubt these will be picked up as I expand on the points above or post about other things that have been on my mind over recent days.

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After Nerdy Girl and I had done out walk, we nipped into CB Pub for a drink. I was explaining to NG that I had a few gigs to attend over the...