Saturday, August 09, 2008


My own emotions have been all over the place this week. I was angry and frustrated at the start of the week, with an element of confusion. After chatting to QC2 and R, the anger and frustration still remained to a certain extent, but I was more optimistic that things would work out the way I wanted them to. That's lessened somewhat, and doubt and pessimism is starting to creep in.

Things will remain completely confusing until RB gets in contact and we meet. We might talk about this at our next meeting, but I think that's doubtful. I will have to bring this up at some point though.

The good thing is that she is keen on me (or at least I believe that she is based on her actions), so it just remains to see what this mental block is and how we can put that to bed.

I had kinda hoped she'd have been in contact, even if it was just a brief text message, but she hasn't. I didn't take QC2's advice and contact RB as I had nothing to say and while I'm happy to let her know that I am still interested in her beyond friendship, I don't want to appear pushy.

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