Saturday, August 30, 2008


A night out last night with a female cousin coupled with a conversation this morning with E has prompted me to evaluate exactly why I've been restless for pretty much all of this year.

My cousin prompted me for details on the RB situation, which caused a certain amount of frustration and disappointment to rise again (though I'd be lying if I said I hadn't been thinking about RB on and off over the past week). She got the entire story, but wasn't able to offer any solutions, though I hadn't asked for any and I don't believe there are any beyond what I've already blogged about in previous posts. It was still nice to talk it through (again).

E was slightly more helpful and I think I've pretty much pinpointed the source of the restlessness. It's something I've often blogged about, but never really given much consideration to it apart from having the odd moan. I believe that the answer is my lack of social life. The RB incident has excacerbated this restlessness which I believe was originally prompted by my travelling earlier this year. RB was a route into being more active, meeting new people and widening my social circle. Irrespective of whether we ended up as friends or something more, then RB was someone/something that could have made my social life better... an opportunity now denied.

So what do I do now? How can I make my social life better so that I'm not relying on FP to head out of an evening? That's something I need to think about. I have some ideas that I need to explore fully...

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Giveth and taketh.

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