Sunday, August 17, 2008

All about FA1.

I was in contact with FA2 on Facebook last night. FA2 continues to astound me with her contact. Admittedly, I was the one that initiated contact, but FA2's questions were weird and her own side of the conversation was brief. She, quite predictably, questioned the status of my love life, but even when faced with the story of RB (not all of it, just the important bits), didn't really appear to be interested, instead skipping off on to other subjects while I was still in the process of explaining things. It's almost like she's ticking boxes that need ticked when she asks questions, but with no real interested in the answers. However, she was nosey enough to sift through my Facebook profile and ask questions about some people, such as E and one of E's friends.

She mentioned about me heading out to her neck of the woods for a visit, but I never mentioned that I had been there earlier this year, instead saying that I wouldn't be back for the foreseeable future. When it came to her own life, she was saying very little.

I'm not annoyed as such. I've had eight years or so to get used to FA2's foibles and it was me that initiated contact last night, so it's not as if I can blame her for that. Still, I am reminded that FA2 is a useless friend and that my avoidance of her during me holiday was justified.

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