Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I cracked and called RB about 24 hours ago. Sadly, I wasn't able to get through and left a voice message instead asking her to call me back. So far, I'm still waiting on that call, but as each minute passes, I must admit that I get more and more pessimistic that anything is going to develop between myself and RB... even a friendship.

I know it's only been 24 hours, but it's been nearly two weeks since our one and only official date and it seems like a lifetime away already. Maybe I am just being impatient and should really give her a day or two to get back to me, but I can't help but shake this feeling that if she's not in contact by bed time tonight (hers or mine... doesn't matter), then she won't be in contact at all. That disappoints me for more than one reason.

The only person to have been in contact with regards to RB since the weekend has been QC2 who sent a brief email this morning, asking for updates.

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