Sunday, August 03, 2008

The date: the fallout (part 2)

The feeling of disappointment has not gone away and I've been trying to look at it logically. Before I sent the note, I was quite unsure of what I wanted. Either friendship or some other non-platonic relationship would have been fine by me.

When RB appeared in the bar on Friday, things got clear pretty quickly and I knew that I wanted this to develop into something that wasn't platonic. There was no initial hit of lust, so it's not as if I only wanted to get into her pants, though I do admit that if things had developed over the next couple of weeks/dates that that would eventually be the next step. Some strong feelings did manifest though, obviously there is the attraction, but I think the previous three weeks inflated the emotion somewhat.

Now it looks like there's only one way this will end... a platonic friendship. Strangely, this just feels like a consolation prize right now.

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