Saturday, August 16, 2008

Game over?

On the advice of QC2, I waited another few days then sent another text message yesterday morning, asking to meet up this weekend. There has been no reply, so I am forced to give up hope that anything will develop with RB. Or rather, I will if she hasn't been in contact by tomorrow night as I tend to give people a couple of days to return a call, text or email.

As I've already said, I'm not convinced that RB is the type to ignore the contact, but she's had nearly four full days to reply to my initial phone call and voice mail and hasn't done so. I'm angry and somewhat frustrated about the whole thing. With RB being in her thirties, I had thought that she might be a little more mature in her contact and not rely on silence as an avoidance mechanism, especially when she's already mentioned friendship rather than a relationship.

I'm fighting the urge to give her a third and final chance come the start of next week but I think that might be pushing the issue somewhat and I should just give up. Every now and again I gain this burst of optimism that she might yet get in contact, but I think that's just wishful thinking linked to how much I wanted something to develop with RB.

Did the fact that I cancelled the cinema night to go out with D cost me a friendship?

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