Thursday, July 17, 2008

Patience... or the lack thereof.

The pre-interview nervousness that I have been feeling for the past two days has faded... eventually. It has been replaced by a gnawing impatience and a desire that a line is drawn under this episode, but sadly, that line cannot be drawn by me, at least in the short term.

Somewhere in my head, I've made the decision that if I don't hear from RB by a certain point then it's safe to assume she won't be in contact at all. So far, I've had three "certain points": this evening, tomorrow evening and some time on Saturday.

Based on my assumptions that a) she did get the note I sent and that b) she got it last evening when she arrived home from work, these are the three time scales that make sense to me (although, admittedly, I am not a girl and so this logic is MAN LOGIC). I wasn't expecting anything sooner because there's a game to play... she can't appear too keen, so wouldn't have contacted me immediately. Plus, as A advised, she has friends to confide in, to ask advice from and to receive advice from. That, to me, gives her at least 24 hours to start the decision making process. However, I think the traditional game ploy is to wait at least three days before making contact which means, if this is the case, it'll be Saturday evening at the earliest and really, she's not going to call/text on Saturday evening, so then it's in to Sunday.

I had a strong gut feeling that tonight would be likely if she was interested and if she was keen on meeting up this weekend. Tonight is the latest she could be in contact before the weekend that would realistically enable me to make arrangements and not book myself out. (She doesn't know my social life is crap, obviously, but I do have plans this weekend). My gut feeling went so far as predicting that she would call or text between 9PM and 10PM because these are my rules for contacting people and the last cutoff is 10PM. This didn't happen, obviously. My gut feelings are reasonably accurate (6/10 is probably a good approximation), but not this time.

It's been a week since we initially hooked up, but as USHW pointed out, it took a few days for me to get a note together and another few days for it to be delivered. In terms of "time scales", it's only a day for her, but it's longer for me. Now I'm falling back to the other two time scales of tomorrow or some time on Saturday, but why I've got these days in my head isn't really based on logic at all, perhaps with the exception that these things do need sorted fairly quickly. The note implied that we go on a date, not necessarily a romantic date, but a date nonetheless. Even with the game to be played (not appearing too keen etc.), it's my opinion that her first contact needs to be made reasonably quickly, even if she replies positively and we don't actually meet up until next week.

If she's not interested and if that decision has been made, there's no harm in getting in contact now. I think the same can be said if she's only interested in a platonic friendship. Taking her time to make the right decision for her is a good thing and no news is probably good news with regards any romantic angle (as USHW wisely said), but there's a fine line between playing this game and hanging around for too long.

So now my patience (or lack thereof) is wearing thin. I do want to hear from her, though my note was left open and didn't explicitly ask for contact even if she wasn't interested. I'd hope that she'd consider last week's antics as an indication that I am interested in seeing her again and that the note does require a response in some shape or form and not to be ignored if she's not interested in meeting up again.

With regard to my opening paragraph, she can draw a line under this by contacting me... if she doesn't then I have to play the guessing game as to when "not in contact yet" turns into "not getting in contact at all".

Ho hum.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...