Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Dedicated to...

No matter what actually happens in the remainder of this week with RB, my thanks have to go to USHW and A, both of whom have offered advice and opinion on the situation.

USHW has been instrumental in me actually getting in contact and that, for me, has been a fairly big hurdle to overcome. Her feedback on my note as well as encouragement has been invaluable. So, USHW, thanks for that. I know you'll drop by here at some point and I wanted you to know that. Thank you.

A's contribution has been slightly different in that she's made me more positive about the fact that this girl might actually get in contact and that this might actually turn in to something interesting. I wobbled between abject negativity and illogical optimism during the course of the weekend, but A managed to ground me with some good observations based on her own experiences/mentality (it's not unfair to say that A can be quite negative herself about her own similar situations), but now I'm thinking that I will see this girl again under favourable circumstances. I have to thank A for that, but she doesn't know about the existence of this blog and I will tell her personally, but for the sake of this blog, thank you A.

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This throat thing is really pissing me off. I had yet another night of little sleep. I was asleep by midnight, awake roughly around 1:30 AM ...