Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Use of the word "fuck".

Someone said something to me today in work, SSCW I think, but I can't remember exactly what was said. It did prompt me to remember a conversation that I had with E during my travels. We were talking about a couple we were watching at the bar. One was a cute waitress who had been working that evening but was now off duty and the other was this bloke who was quite obviously chatting her up, with some considerable success.

The 'courting' went on for some time. Hours, in fact, and still the two of them got no closer to each other than brief hugs. E had been dispatched to the bar and had gotten an ear full of "Ooooh, do you think he really likes me?" while the bloke was off chatting to his mates or at the toilet. Well, duh. OK, so I say "duh", but it reminded me of the circling around each other that QC3 and I did (which was possibly more embarrassing than this as I knew for definite she was interested through a third party but tried to elicit a direct response and failed badly. That's possibly another story for another time though.). That said, they were definitely keen on each other.

E came back with drinks and we spoke about the two potential lovers. While I expressed my appreciation of the waitress (think Hannah Spearitt's hair in Primeval, a face that reminded me a little of Pink on a good day and a body that reminded me of my beloved Jessica Alba), E passed comment on the bloke (no details, but somewhat positive, I think), we were both amused at the fact they clearly were into each other but they couldn't see it. Well, it was either that they were both clueless or they were both playing games because there seemed to be decent evidence that they were fucking each other about. Either way, they didn't deserve to get laid that night in my opinion.

"Why don't they just go back to hers and fuck?" exclaimed E in a manner that suggested confusion about the entire scenario but also might have sounded a little frustrated.

Well, the conversation went on, as did our people-watching and drinking. The point of the above tale is to highlight E's use of the word 'fuck' in relation to sex. For some reason, I like women to use the word that way. I don't know exactly why, but I have a theory.

FA2 was decent enough in the sack. It was rarely boring, it was rarely the same twice in a row and while I'd hardly describe her as adventurous, I did enjoy the sex, even if it was all rather vanilla. But with FA2, it was always "making love" and that was it. Outside of our 'normal' sex situations (i.e. the normal last thing at night, first thing in the morning scenarios), she would always address the subject by asking me to make love to her. Personally, I got around the terminology simply by targeting her erogenous zones without even mentioning sex (and light kisses to the back of the neck were always an easy way to get her naked and willing in no time) and let her drag me to the sofa, upstairs to bed, into the garage, shower etc. Not that her terminology put me off, mind you and nor do I have anything against women using that phrase but sometimes sex is just a fuck.

However, the use of the word "fuck" for sex is something guaranteed to raise my eyebrows and, to a certain extent, my horniness levels. USHW often uses 'fuck' concerning sex (and while it doesn't have the same effect in type, it still has an effect), FBS actually said outright one night that she wanted to fuck me (which then turned into the first night she did fuck me, handily enough, but that's perhaps another story if USHW starts asking questions) and even that incident in the bar with E caused hormone levels to fluctuate (and despite my continued vague feelings towards E, I don't normally think of her in a sexual way). Is it weird to get turned on by girls who simply use that phrase? Or turned on by girls using the phrase? Is there a difference?

Going back to my theory, is it because girls who use 'fuck' have a different attitude to sex (sex for sex sake, more adventurous, more willing to look for sex) than those that veer away from it (unadventurous, prudish behaviour)? FA2 used 'fuck' all the time as a swear word, but she'd never, ever use it to describe sex. Based on my limited experience, I'd have to say that this was indeed the case as I would definitely describe USHW, FBS and E all as having a more proactive and relaxed attitude towards sex... almost a male attitude, perhaps? An attitude where, unlike say K or FA2, sex does not necessarily equate to romance or relationships. However, a pool of five women is hardly conclusive.

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