Wednesday, April 09, 2008


While the slow, but steady email conversation with USHW is ongoing, in an attempt to see if we can't figure a few things out regarding my feelings towards E and E's feelings towards me, I've tried not to swamp E with too many emails since I've come back from holiday.

It's not that I've had anything really important to say to her (though USHW might disagree), but away from both personal contact and Skype, I've suddenly remembered little things that could/should have been mentioned in various conversations we've had recently. Still, in order to remedy any future frustrations, I've asked outright when she checks her personal mail. I remember being concerned back in the planning/booking stages of my holiday when I had asked for confirmation on various things and was waiting a few weeks for a reply.

I know she has the internet when she wants it and her own PC (so she's never reliant on anyone else to get online). It's just a matter of when she gets the time to sit down and check her mail for half an hour or so. But I wonder if she makes a point in trying to do so regularly, or only does it when she has time AND she remembers to do so. Not everyone's like me and spend hours per day in front of their PC (and that's a story unto itself).

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