Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A minor quandry.

In a few days, the presentation I've been putting together regarding my recent travels will be complete and I'm hoping to publish it online. When I do so, I'm going to send out email links to a wide variety of people in the hope they'll be interested enough in me and my trip to want to look at what I've done and leave me messages, comments and questions.

I'm planning on extending the invites beyond my usual two circles of friends. So, on one hand, people like QC2 will get it as my more immediate circle of friends. Obviously, people like USHW will get one too, as my regular contacts, if not geographically immediate and I'm carefully considering a third group... those that I would like to be in contact more, but aren't. People like V are prime examples of people on this list. I'll make my decision soon.

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Giveth and taketh.

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