Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, I did end up calling in sick yesterday and today. I might tomorrow, but I've yet to decide. to be honest, calling in sick had nothing to do with being ill, but rather recovery and laziness. As I had gone to bed on Sunday night feeling less than 100%, I had pretty much made the decision to call in, so I did and it's been a nice relaxing couple of days.

Despite feeling bit poorly on Sunday, I still went out for a few pints with G and FP. Typically, FP gets all organised and a venue and time are sorted all within quick order, completely unlike any time I try and get a night in the pub sorted.

I also heard back from USHW who's OK and just has been too busy to be online, which is good because there wasn't any hugely important (i.e. negative) reason why she was offline. (Though I suppose the converse is true here, too).

Anyway, I'm lying here in bed, quite squiffy, trying to decide if I'm going to go into work tomorrow. At the moment, the answer's no, even though I know I should.

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