Tuesday, April 01, 2008

It becomes clear

I've often wondered why people are so desperate to leave my home town. I know loads of people who have done it, some for purely professional reasons, but some people have this dislike of this place. E is one of them and until recently, I never really understood that. Part of it is the OMG stuff. Her family are tied into the OMG stuff and E has been very driven at getting herself into situations where she can leave and put distance between her and her family. Weirdly though, she's almost always in contact with them and is religiously in contact with one or both of her parents (they're divorced) each weekend by phone. Personally, I think some time "apart" might do them both good. I'm digressing though. This weekend, after returning from my trip, I think I finally understood why some of my friends wanted to leave (or are reluctant to return).

Had I the means to go travelling again right away and no commitments and most of my debts cleared, I'd already be gone. That, of course, is an emotional reaction, but there's been stuff happening around here, in the local news that just depresses me (and I'm bad enough as it is without other stuff piling up).

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