Sunday, April 20, 2008

Stupid o'clock

Well, it is! I'm feeling ill... muscular aches, a high temperature and I've had really bad acid reflux all night and have been eating various antacids like sweets with no success whatsoever. As such, there's been no sleep and there's not likely to be any either. The pain killers taken for the muscular stuff haven't worked so I'm in all kinds of discomfort right now.

I got a few more responses to my presentation, but am still kinda disappointed in the (not unexpected) lack of contact from V, amongst others. My confusion regarding V continues as she seems to be including me in stuff on Facebook even though I don't have those applications installed. I thought by by-passing Facebook altogether, I might be more likely to get a reply. Still, she hasn't been on Facebook in a few weeks, so it's possible she's not been online. Unlike me, I guess V is one of those people that doesn't sit in front of their PC for hours at a time. I guess she has a social life!

USHW's been quiet too over the past week and doesn't seem to have been online at all from what I can see. I hope things are fine with her.

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