Sunday, April 06, 2008

Dreams out of the blue.

I've made a few posts regarding my attitude towards FA2. At times, they've been fairly angry or frustrated, but at the end of the day I reckon I'm pretty ambivalent about her. Should she choose to try and build a friendship again, I'd probably be open to that, with some reservations. Should she never speak to me again, then I'm equally happy with that.

Last night, more than once, I found myself having quite erotic dreams about FA2 (I woke up a few times and went back to sleep and had further dreams about FA2). That came completely out of the blue because I haven't thought about FA2 in a sexual way for years. That's not to say it wasn't enjoyable, because it was, but there was a certain amount of frustration this morning.

It certainly prompted a little reminiscing about FA2 in a pair of silk pyjamas she used to own that made her very sexy indeed (and I enjoyed the feel of the silk, too).

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