Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Working on the details.

I'm not going to go into massive detail about the work-related conversation between KfW2 and myself a few days ago but there were some highlights.

Firstly, KfW2's financial issues seem to be over. I can't remember if I posted them on the blog or if it was shared in conversations with USHW, but she's now at the point where she's considering buying property as an investment. Bear in mind that only a few years ago, she was down to pennies at the end of the month and stressing out about it (it kinda jump-started her career progression).

We spoke about Stalky Guy. KfW2 was surprised that I admitted that if I never saw or spoke to Stalky Guy again that it would not bother me one bit. I don't dislike him, but he was a work colleague, and one who was very well looked after by a succession of bosses. A level of reward that his talent and skills didn't deserve. it was the same with Brusque Guy too, who managed to receive a promotion last year for who-knows-what.

KfW2 asked me about that, and my response was that it had been implied by a series of managers what the success criteria were, but the people who ended up being rewarded failed to fulfil half of them, while I'm sat there with criteria coming out the wazoo.

She's in management now, so even with her management head on, she was sympathetic. She's said it before - she'd love to have me in her team... or someone like me. I dunno that I ever would. the idea of having a friend as a boss fills me with dread, but it's nice that my attributes are appreciated by someone.

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Giveth and taketh.

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