Friday, May 27, 2022

Just random Friday things.

Shortly before I joined KfW2's team in work, I worked with another very attractive blonde girl. However, at the time, I was having management issues. A side effect of these issues was that the team had a night out without me. I was uninformed and therefore uninvited. I wasn't that bothered about it until the guys came into the office on Monday morning. The attractive blonde girl had gotten drunk and proudly showed off her wedding body by pulling her t-shirt up (she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt).

One of the guys, who was out, was speechless at the time. All he could say when recounting the story was that her abs were magnificent. The guys were disappointed that she was sober enough not to accidentally flash anything else.

I've been in a bit of an abs mood today, so when KfW2 told me that the attractive blonde girl was also moving to the same new company that KfW2 is, it was kinda inevitable that this memory would surface.

This is NOT the attractive blonde girl from work, but it is an attractive blonde girl with abs, Caroline Girvan (check out her YouTube channel):

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