Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Dating data.

There was someone on Instagram who asked the question:

"If you match with someone on a dating app, who should make first contact?"

I have strong feelings about this, actually. I believe that whoever makes the match i.e. whoever swipes right secondly has the responsibility. After all, you're on your phone, you swipe, and you get notified that you've matched. Why log off?

I've said as much in my own profile text.

The issue I have is that it's been ages (i.e. YEARS) since that was me. I've had matches on Bumble where the other person hasn't messaged first, and for those who don't know, the woman HAS to be the one to initiate contact.

Now, I have had matches where I wasn't the person who made the match. I've sent messages and had no response. I've sent messages and seen the other person delete their account/the match (including a friend of CC). I'm off on a tangent here.

That was another complaint from the Instagram user - she was making first contact (Ruuude approves - confident women are awesome) but getting zero replies back from her matches.

I would love to get a look at some data, to see how many matches are made, what the "hit rate" is like, how many people make contact after matching etc.

I might have something specific to me, so watch this space, if you're interested in such a thing.

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