Thursday, May 05, 2022

Sugar and spice.

Another few points worthy of note from my recent trip through the archive was that I'd forgotten how often a specific person had messaged me over MSN back in the days of the online hobby. It was a weird little community. I met some absolutely fabulous people, some of whom have been mentioned on this very blog. I've even met some of them in real life.

However, there was a flip side to it. A group of people who were more concerned about popularity than the actual hobby itself. One of these people, it was suspected, had waged a "war" against other groups, using the hobby owners as tools.

This all sounds ambiguous, but really, we all used a couple of websites, and this person would regularly use the website staff to enact revenge on the people she disliked by accusing them of T&C breaches etc. Or if it wasn't her, it was the people who looked up to her.

So, yeah, the archives threw up a period of time (over a few months) where she would regularly reach out to me. She never admitted any of these conversations to anyone and while I didn't put this together at the time, she reminded me of the Imelda Staunton character in the Harry Potter films - all sweetness and sugar on the outside, but actually evil.

And the other thing was the chats with A. The one that the archive threw up recently was a period of a couple of months where I encouraged her to look for a new job, find a place of her own and make a move on this guy at work that she had a crush on. And, blimey, if she didn't do all three... giving me almost daily updates. I think she really trusted me - she went into a lot of detail about her journey. In fact, I did get an invite to her wedding to the very same fellow a few years later.

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