Saturday, May 21, 2022

Ups and downs.

I've been feeling really off for the past few days. I can't put my finger on it. It's a combination of a few things - there's a lack of sleep (though for no real reason that I can put my finger on). I've been queasy for the past 48 hours, too. Emotionally, I've been up and down.

The emotional thing is, I think, partly influenced by KfW2's job hunting. Oh, and the fact that a lot of people are leaving my current company including MFF and the attractive HR girl. Loads of people who originally joined around the same time as me i.e. people with similar backgrounds and histories.

While I've not sat on my arse doing nothing (I'm currently in the middle of my second re-training in three years and I've moved teams/departments), I do kinda feel like I'm being left behind. I can't figure out if this is a personal or professional thing. Professionally, I don't want to do what KfW2's done and go into management. That's not me. Personally, I think those Tinder statistics have hit me a little harder than expected.

Should I apply for jobs in another company? I'd get a great pay rise, though strictly speaking, I don't need the money. I am comfortable. Nerdy Girl asked me to apply for her place, though I really need to address the anxiety issues before I even think about any of this stuff.

Sigh. I need something nice to happen.

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