Saturday, May 21, 2022

Digital dating data

Having watched a few Ted talks about online dating, I've always wanted to dig into the stats behind the scenes of online dating apps and websites. Identify the patterns, and see the "truth" as it were.

I found a website a few weeks ago that looked as if it could give me a little insight into Tinder and have been meaning to use it. What it does is take your data from Tinder and output it into a nice picture, so you can easily see what's going on. To no one's surprise, of course, I used it.

Immediately, it looks like I restarted my profile just before we went into lockdown, a little over 2 years ago. I'd have thought it was much longer than that, but there you go.

It's really fucking depressing when you look at it, though there are some caveats. I live in a small catchment area, for starters. For some reason, despite the fact that I shouldn't see the same person twice unless they close, then reactivate, their account (or delete and create a new one), I see the same faces pop up numerous times per week, so even though I've swiped 38000 times, I don't think it's out of order to claim that there are a few members that I've swiped hundreds of times (both left and right). I'd also suggest that a good proportion of accounts do not show the account holder's face and are blank or have landscapes or motivational quotes instead.

That's a right-swipe ratio of 7.5% (I had guesstimated about 1 in 10, so that's not bad.) Is that picky? If I walked down the street would I find 8 out of 100 women attractive?

But out of 2900 right swipes, I had 6 matches that led to zero conversations in over two years. I always knew my numbers were bad on Tinder (and, I guess across online dating in general) but seeing this actually laid out really does bring it home.

Are you on Tinder? Do you want to see your own stats?

Go to

Log in via whatever method you choose. It will ask you for an email address. Within three days, you'll receive an email from Tinder with a download link. You must use this within 24 hours or be forced to restart the process.

That will download a zip file to your computer.

Go to

Click on "Get your own charts!" followed by "Yes, give me my charts!"

Drag your newly downloaded zip file into the box and within a few seconds, the website will have generated several images similar to the above but tailored to you.

And just to put some context into my figures, here's a Men vs Women graphic (versus others who have submitted their stats to Tinder Insights).

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