Sunday, December 15, 2019

Random stuff.

I had an impromptu night out with FP last night. He'd already been out for a few hours and was tipsy by the time I'd arrived. It was a good night. In between talking about our usual things, we got talking to a group of women who had arrived and were also, like FP, tipsy. One, a brunette, caught my eye. The brunette also compared me to one of the other woman's husband, who proceeded to call me by her husband's name while we chatted Sadly, they left before I could make any real conversation with the brunette.

Also, towards the end of the night, a group from work arrived at the pub. Included was a girl who seemingly has a sizeable male fan club who follows her around each social event.

The following photo is Sabrina Lynn... I think she's an American Instagram model of some description. Facially, she's actually very similar to the work girl, but the work girl is slimmer and without the curves.

Also, as a side note, apparently, Sabrina Lynn is about 5' 11" tall. 180cm for you metric lot. I love tall women.

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