Sunday, December 29, 2019

Dream a little dream.

Last night I had a somewhat half-remembered dream. Its theme was something that I've had before, albeit infrequently. In it, I'm failing my university degree. I'm trying to find a solution to this, trying to find out how to pass exams, coursework etc. all within a few months and without any help from my lecturers or advisers. This was the pattern last night.

At the same time, I was also trying to organise our work's Christmas party, though with limited success.

KfW2 featured somewhere, but upon waking this morning there was only a fleeting memory that she was involved.

I've had the university dream before, as explained above. I usually wake up disorientated after it, almost in a panic until I realise that I left university many, many years ago and I did indeed pass my exams.

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