Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hello! Oh, erm... nevermind.

I took a cheeky half day today to meet up with a few people I used to work with... plus potentially Nerdy Girl. In the bar where we agreed to meet, I was mesmerised by someone who looked like CH. My eyesight is not great, so from roughly 30m away, it certainly looked like her. Roughly the same build, same hairstyle and same mannerisms. Should I go and talk to her? I had another idea. I sent a text message.

"Your absolute twin is in the bar"

A reply wasn't long coming back.

"Nope, not me."

I did a scouting mission and got within ten metres. It wasn't CH, but the resemblance was uncanny.

I explained the above.

"Take a picture of her!"

"I'm not taking pictures of random women in the pub FFS"

"Just do it. Sneak it if you have to."

In all honesty, I'd already taken a sneaky photo. I sent it to her.

"OMG! It totally is!"

"You have no idea, CH. Mannerisms and everything. It's crazy how much she is like you."

And CH went quiet.

But you know what? It was a good afternoon that ended too soon.

As a side note, Nerdy Girl turned up.

"Look at how much side-boob this jumper gives me!"

"Ummm... do you mean profile?"

"Yes, that!"

"And surely it's the bra doing the work, not the jumper?"

"Yes, that too!"

A conversation ensued. It was decided that Nerdy Girl had a profile not unlike Christina Hendricks out of Mad Men. I'm not sure I agree. Nerdy Girl is busty and has curves for sure, but not to Hendricks' level (and that's not a bad thing).

And a potential avenue for a new job opened up. A potential significant pay-rise and a chance to work with some people that I know. All I have to do is get past the interview. Though this is all just talk right now. if anything's going to happen, I might have something to share in February.

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