Monday, December 29, 2014


GM has been suspiciously quiet recently. A few weeks ago, when myself, S and another friend went out for Christmas drinks, GM didn't get involved in the conversation, didn't show up and hasn't even acknowledged that the night took place. That's unlike him, he usually, at least, says he won't be turning up. My text message from a few nights ago is still unanswered and a voice mail left last night, where I professed concern, is also unanswered.

He has been online; he's been posting on Facebook, especially conversing with a foreign friend of his, and after I left my voice mail, so I do know he's been up and about.

At this rate, my New Year's Eve will be a washout. I know S is going out and that's a fall back, but it's a real last resort kinda thing as I've previously mentioned. KfW2's friend is posting on Facebook about a cold that she's got so she may not be out on NYE (though I don't know her well enough to spend the entire night with her).

I know that he was depressed at the start of the year (something that's not entirely common knowledge with our group) after a breakup with a girl he was seeing that didn't work out and my concern is that he's feeling that way again. After all, I tend to get more lonely/funked at this time of year anyway even without NYE shenanigans getting me down, so it's possible that GM is too.

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