Monday, April 01, 2013

It's good to talk.

Another weekend of sitting in, made worse by the fact that I did actually want to go out and that it was a holiday weekend, albeit one with no real significant meaning. Apart from a few hours yesterday off visiting the family and an aborted trip to the gym today, I've sat in all weekend. Not that it's been a total disaster - both house mates have gone away for the weekend, so I've had peace and quiet and can do whatever I please. The downside is that I am bored and have too much time contemplating various things that have been playing on my mind recently, but without an outlet to share them with.

I'll be talking to CH or KfW2 this week, I think, and they're two good people to talk to. I just need to figure out how to explain my unease with GB (unease is the wrong word, but something's not sitting right with me with GB after her recent comments). KfW2 might be tickled because her fiancĂ© has been poking (good natured) fun for ages, suggesting that GB and I are a good match (we're not, but that's another story) and I think my concern is that GB is harbouring feelings, hence her catty remarks recently and lack of movement with CB. I don't know if KfW2 or CH have any solutions or advice, but at the very least it'll be nice to share the concerns.

Obviously, this is only a gut feeling, so I don't want anything to be getting back to GB in case I am wrong, but I want to talk to the people I am comfortable talking to - CH, KfW2 or, preferably GM. There's something else bothering me off the back of what GB said last week, but I can't quite put my finger on it. That's something else to try and figure out.

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Facebook tells me it's K's birthday today, so Happy Birthday, K. Shame you were bonkers, and a recent re-reading of some MSN convers...